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The Verified Emission Reductions (VERs) from Proyecto Mirador are certified by Gold Standard, and the project has reduced 3 million mtCO2e after 13 successful verifications and field visits

Gold Standard is the most recognized global organization for certifying carbon reduction projects for the Voluntary Market.

It only registers projects that have demonstrated greenhouse gas emission reductions in a way that contributes to the country's sustainable environmental, economic, and humanitarian development.

To purchase any volume of credits, please contact us.

To view our Gold Standard documentation, please visit here.


  • Together we can create a more sustainable <span>future.</span>
    Stoves help cooks and the planet!

    Together we can create a more sustainable future.

    For every Dos Por Tres stove we prevent 3 tonnes of CO2 emissions and save the equivalent of 5-8 trees each year.

  • <span >Help to create a cleaner, </span>healthier environment!
    Improved Dos por Tres stoves

    Help to create a cleaner, healthier environment!

    A Dos Por Tres stove reduces particulate matter like smoke and soot in the home by 47.5%.

  • Save <span>time and money.</span>
    With a DOS POR TRES stove users

    Save time and money.

    Wood consumption is just half of that of a traditional stove. There is less time wasted gathering wood or less money spent buying wood.

“Taking care of health and protecting the environment”

Traditional stoves can harm people and the planet!

Smoke from inefficient stoves can contribute to respiratory issues, cardiovascular disease, and eye problems.
When wood is burned it emits CO2.  By cutting wood use in half, the Dos por Tres stove saves about 15 tonnes of CO2e emissions over the 6-year life of the stove.

At Proyecto Mirador, we specialize in the construction of Dos por Tres improved stoves that are built in the kitchen of every home:

With each stove, we are reducing15 tons of CO2e,
contributing to improved health, reducing
firewood consumption and preventing tree logging.


Over 300,000 improved stoves built, Over 1 million people benefitted in Honduras and Guatemala.

Proyecto Mirador began in 2004, with 3 employees. Today, there are more than 270 direct and indirect employees, all working for the same cause.

How did we achieve this?

  • Our motto is “No Cuesta, No Cuida.”
  • We use a co-investment model, meaning we co-invest in building a stove, users come with bricks and mortar, we come with specialized stove parts and technical know-how. 
  • We respond to requests from the communities we serve.
  • We don't market our stove, our success comes from our users talking to each other.
  • We serve people most in need.

Our Commitment to Transparency

Proyecto Mirador is a U.S. 501(c)3 non-profit organization, with registered non-profit subsidiaries in Honduras and Guatemala. We are not incentivized by profit, but exist to help the rural poor of Central America. To promote transparency, we publicly offer a review by our auditor, BPM, of the consolidated financial statements of Proyecto Mirador Foundation and its subsidiaries; our Gold Standard emission reduction calculations; and the equations we use to calculate emission reductions. Throughout 15 years as a Gold Standard cookstove project, we have learned that only transparency leads to trust, and trust leads to scale.

We have built +300,000 stoves in Central America.

+18 years of experience.

+18 years of experience.

+300,000 2x3 stoves have been built, and over 317,000 GPS points have been recorded.

+300,000 2x3 stoves have been built, and over 317,000 GPS points have been recorded.

+2.6 million tonnes of CO2 reductions certified by the Gold Standard.

+2.6 million tonnes of CO2 reductions certified by the Gold Standard.

5–10 million trees saved.

5–10 million trees saved.

+260 direct and indirect employees, supporting 41 local microenterprises.

+260 direct and indirect employees, supporting 41 local microenterprises.

+ 1 million beneficiaries.

+ 1 million beneficiaries.

99% of Dos por Tres stove users have a cleaner, smoke free home.

With your help, we can eliminate smoke inside homes,
prevent disease and forest degradation.

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"Caring for health and
protecting the environment"

Contact Information

Proyecto Mirador Fundation
100 Drakes Landing Road,
Building B, Suite 260
Greenbrae, CA, 94904
(415) 925-1887

About Us

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